List of cheapest .in domain name registrars:

* Plus $0.20 ICANN fee

** The Cheapest Domain online price comparison service is provided for informational purposes only. Prices are listed for 1 domain registration and 1 year in length. We do not guarantee the accuracy of the prices listed on this website. Please check the price and availability at the retailers website.

Recommended registrar:

The .in top level domain:

The .in country code top-level domain name extension was introduced in 1989. It is intended to be used by entities connected with India. The extension itself is actually mostly used by Indian based commercial and non-commercial websites. It has no registration restrictions.

The ccTLD .in is administered by INRegistry. Registrations in .in are processed via accredited registrars. The registry does not accepts internationalized domain names.

The domain is the official country code top-level domain (ccTLD) of India.
